Cássia loved Osmar that loved Ritinha that loved Vanderson that loved Osmar that

continued loving Ritinha that still loved Vanderson that finally started loving Ritinha.

Are you sure? This contemporary romantic comedy, like a reverse Carlos Drummond de

Andrade, proposes to comically discuss: is ex-gay real?

These four people live their ups and downs and it all gets more confused when

Vanderson suffers and accident and loses his memory forgetting he is gay. Ritinha takes

the opportunity and pretends to be his girlfriend. What now? How can this situation be

solved? Will they find out if ex-gay exists?

Keeping in the margin of serious and inflamed discussions on homoaffectivity, the

series in a light and relaxed way focuses on the problems a man faces while experience

his new straight status… or not?

Does Ex-gay exist(?) addresses controversial issues without pointing finger or taking

sides, such as in the old tradition of jesters. It only raises questions in a good-humored

way so that the viewers, if they wish so, reach their own conclusions. Five-minute show

produced for the Internet, without commercial breaks, with possibility of merchandising

and “offer” in opening and closure.

Cast: Carol Carreiro, Paula Liberatti, Bruno Matos, Henrique Canalles

Creation, Direction and Photography: Miguel Rodrigues

Costumes: Leandra Aieedo

Finalization: Jessica da Mata

Weekly show 24 min



A 30-minute weekly show (24 content and 06 break) for devoted moviegoers and those

who love and want to learn about the cinema. With varied comical sketches, we will

show the seventh art creations, go back in time, travel with the artists and their

creations, and in each show we will see backstage news from Brazil and the world,

releases, reviews and productions. We want to experience cinema in all its forms and

from all its angles and provide information on awards and festivals, how to work in

cinema, artist background and art history, all in a dynamic, engaging and relaxed show.



In a funny cinematographic set, two presenters will anchor the show by talking about

releases, curiosities, cinema history and also a relaxed chat with a super guest linked to

the seventh art. During the show, we will have other interventions from the project

members. Our team will always be connected with the social media so we have a

transmedia project that receives remarks from the audience on films, who will also be

able to choose the next shows, voting for films and interviewees.



Created by: Miguel Rodrigues

Presenters: Bruno Trento, Luciana Milano and Pedro Lopes.

Reporter: Camila Turim and Viviane Salles

Direction: Miguel Rodrigues e Hamilton Rosa Jr.

Written by: Monica Castilho, Vitor Cardoso e Hamilton Rosa Jr.

Executive Production: Leandra Aieedo and Miguel Rodrigues

Drama Series for TV - 48 minutes